Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Warring States Period of Ancient China

The Warring States period in Ancient Chinese history--which followed the period known as Spring and Autumn (770-476 B.C.) during the  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Chou (Zhou) Dynasty--ran from about 475-221 B.C. It was a period of violence and chaos during which the philosopher Sun-Tzu is said to have lived and culture to have flourished. Seven States of China There were about seven states of China during the Warring States period, including Yen, which was not one of the contending states, and 6 that were: ChIChuChinWeiHanChao Two of these states, the Chin and Chu, came to dominate, and in 223, the Chin defeated the Chu, establishing the first unified Chinese state two years later. During the Spring and Autumn period, which preceded the Warring States, warfare was feudal and reliant on the war chariot. During the Warring Period, military campaigns were directed by the states who fitted out their soldiers with individual weapons. Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica and The Oxford Companion to Military History. Examples During the Warring States Period, but elsewhere in the world, Alexander the Great conquered his enormous Hellenistic Greek empire, Rome came to dominate Italy, and Buddhism spread to China.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Oral Health Education In Schools Promoting Health Agents by Garbin, Article

Essays on Oral Health Education In Schools: Promoting Health Agents by Garbin, Garbin, and Lima Article The paper "Oral Health Education In Schools: Promoting Health Agents by Garbin, Garbin, and Lima" is a brilliant example of an article on medical science. The methodology of the experiment is explicitly detailed. It will be possible to replicate the study on other subjects. The population considered for this study involved pre-school children and their parents. Since the experiment was aimed at studying the influence of oral health education of children on their family, the population chosen for this study is appropriate. Since the participants required for this experiment were just pre-school students and their parents, there was no need for specifying any sampling strategies to enlist participants. However, the study failed to describe why only pre-school children were selected. The study had intended to analyze 119 preschool children and their parents. However, since only 63 parents agreed to be a part of the study, the sample size available for analysis reduced from 119 to 63. Th is sample size is fairly small and inappropriate for deriving significant inferences. The study involved human subjects who were preschool students and their parents. The students were oriented by way of oral health education but were unaware that they were a part of an experiment. This is assumed and is not specified by the authors. The parents who enrolled in the study consented via an informed consent form. The measurement variables are not specifically defined. The influence of child education on the habits of their family is being measured. The children’s cognitive, emotive and psychomotor abilities in maintaining dental hygiene were manipulated with the help of an oral health education program. The effect of the manipulation was measured by studying the parents’ perceptions of the education program via a questionnaire. While it is stated that frequency and percentages analysis is being used for statistical analysis, the actual method used is not specified. Howeve r, the use of the EPI INFO ver.3.2 software is specified. The confidence intervals are specified wherever required. It can thus be concluded that the experiment is well laid out and replicable. However, it is lacking in appropriate details on the type of statistical analysis used and the reason for choosing only preschool children. The sample size is small and the measurement variables are not specifically defined.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

That School Uniforms Are Necessary Essay Research free essay sample

Paper That School Uniforms are Necessary The Macquarie dictionary defines the construct of unvarying as ; frock of the same manner, stuffs and coloring materials worn by a group. One peculiar type of group that uniforms are necessary for are pupils. Uniforms are a good thought for schools because they make life easier for school kids. Uniforms are indispensable for school pupils because they allow pupils to all look the same and non hold to maintain up with the manner while at school. If uniforms were non-existant, pupils may be victimised by others because of the apparels they choose to have on. Focus may be placed on the apparels people wear alternatively of on school assignment, which is what school is all approximately. This is damaging to pupils # 8217 ; surveies because school # 8217 ; s aim is to educate, non to be a manner parade. The pupils get used to have oning the school uniform and merely wear # 8217 ; t truly believe about it and merely acquire stuck into their school assignment. We will write a custom essay sample on That School Uniforms Are Necessary Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Having a unvarying makes everything easier because cipher can truly kick as they all have to have on it. Everyone have oning the same uniform allows pupils to be easy identified. If everyone was have oning different apparels, cipher would cognize where a pupil was from. For illustration, when on an jaunt, if person gets lost, they can be easy recognised and can happen their group by their typical uniform. This helps the instructors and the school to command and look after the pupils. Besides, all pupils have oning a neat and well-presented uniform reflects good on the school and presents a good image. Wearing a school uniform can salvage money and clip. Each forenoon, pupils do non necessitate to make up ones mind what to have on, they merely acquire dressed in their uniform. This makes acquiring ready for school hassle-free for pupils. Time wasted on make up ones minding what to have on could be better spent on making school assignment. Parents may be annoyed that uniforms are expensive, particularly in private schools where monetary values can be rather high. They may believe it would be easier to purchase their kid normal apparels that they can have on all the clip. However, holding a school uniform could salvage parents # 8217 ; money as their kid would non necessitate as many apparels, except for their uniform. There are, nevertheless, some disadvantages in holding a school uniform. One of the jobs is that many pupils do non like have oning them. The chosen manner of uniform may non accommodate some pupils and this may take down their self-esteem. Uniforms do non let for individualism, which is what pupils desire. School uniforms can be restrictive and non allow persons to show their individualism. It is clear that school uniforms are necessary because they save clip and money and do certain that pupils are non victimised in any manner. They besides make the pupils look respectable and ensures them of being able to happen their group if they get lost, by their typical uniform. It is indispensable that uniforms be made compulsory in all schools because of the obvious advantages. Bibliography My work