Friday, May 8, 2020

Extended Writing of an Argumentative Essay With a Lively Essay

Extended Writing of an Argumentative Essay With a Lively EssayExtending a logical argumentative essay with a lively essay will never be the same as reading it. Writing a persuasive essay is not easy. It can be made to appear less difficult by following some easy methods.The first step in engaging with the audience, creating a more intelligent presentation, is to choose the words carefully. The reader must be able to understand your argument. If the language is not clear and if you forget something important the reader may never get to the end of your argument.Use these two rhetorical techniques when you are writing your essay. A rhetorical device is an answer that evokes a response. A response will be used to convince the audience that your answer is correct. For example, if the audience were to respond, 'yes, but how?'This would be a cliche. Therefore, you use a rhetorical question. 'But how?'This question will become more powerful if the reader can also answer, 'Why?' and 'What mak es you think that?' If you can make this point through the main thrust of your argument, you have gained an advantage.A rhetorical question works when you find that there is more to be said than can be said in a logical conclusion. When this happens the conclusion is secondary.A good question can sometimes make the reader believe that you are speaking directly to them and they can go on to form a strong bond. The more people you speakto after this effective question, the more you will begin to appreciate that you have a strong communication tool to apply in your arguments. By developing a relationship with the audience you can make your arguments stronger and more convincing.So, when you are extending a persuasive essay, create the perfect rhetorical question to communicate your ideas. When you use this technique, you are extending your writing to your audience. In doing so, your readers will take your ideas seriously and they will be compelled to use their own minds to form an opin ion.

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